Tuesday, May 8, 2012

May is National Home Improvement Month! What's On Your To-Do List?

The month of May is National Home Improvement Month. Many homeowners across the nation take this time to engage in spring cleaning, planting and landscaping. However, there are various other projects that shouldn’t be ignored!
 The host of MyFixItUpLife, Mark Clement, suggests some tips for homeowners that begin with selecting projects that enhance the functionality of their home. He also adds that although curb appeal is extremely important, working on structural aspects should always take priority.

Here is a “must-do” list for your home this spring!

1.      Check your roof. Use a ladder or binoculars from across the street to look for any problem areas your roof may have. This includes missing or broken shingles along with any roof tiles blowing in the wind.

2.      Clean and assess the home’s siding. Pressure-washing is a great way to remove dirt or algae that may be growing on your siding. Remember not to pressure-wash windows or their screens, the extreme pressure could crack or destroy the caulking around the units.

3.      Evaluate the Windows. You may need to consider replacing any windows that don’t operate easily, if air is leaking in or out of the units or if there’s condensation between the glass panes.

4.      Check the gutters. Each year homeowners should c heck to make sure their gutters are unclogged and remain sloped for proper drainage.

5.      Spend time with the main door entry. If homeowners can see light around the door from the inside, the door is hard to close or lock or the door itself is warped, it’s time to think about a new door. Even if you can’t see light, air may be moving through gaps in the weather and deteriorating at a quick pace.

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